
联合国卫生组织开发了一种 危险废物管理计划 designed to communicate the methods the University will use to properly manage chemical hazardous waste.

As part of hazardous waste management, online 危险废物管理 培训 is provided for those who generate or handle hazardous waste at UNH.

请联系 戴维。爱德华兹 or 马蒂McCrone if you need to complete this training, but are not yet enrolled.

OEHS has also written a one-page summary of Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) Requirements.

Request a hazardous waste pick-up

View 危险物品管理 知识库

The 知识库 contains forms, instruction and training material, 分钟, 政策, tools and other resources to support your 研究 efforts by topic area.